Monday 17 August 2020

Welcome to the Sundered Realms

Firstly welcome to the website for War of the Sundered Realms, this is just a quick post to introduce the rule system I've put together.

Some of you may be aware that I created a set of Lord of the Rings army lists for use in Kings of War and this is where my primary love for fantasy gaming comes from, the works of Tolkien concerning Middle Earth.  However there are also many other touchstones for me when it comes to the fantasy genre, Jim Henson (more specifically The Dark Crystal), The Never Ending Story, Legend, Willow and so many more, each of which has had some impact on these rules.

As for the genesis of the rule system, my small gaming group has predominately collected Lord of the Rings miniatures for fantasy wargaming, either licensed ones which have been released over the decades or others that fit into the feel of Middle Earth.  We have used various different rule sets over the years and I've read several more recent ones all with an eye to see which one would suit us best however even with all the fun we've had playing games each rule set has always had its niggles for us.  Then with the onset of being "locked down" for several months the idea sprung in to my mind to put together my own rule set, and so it began...

What started off initially as a way to play with our own collections quickly expanded to include a wider range of tropes for each of the army lists.  Then with a rule set in hand I needed to come up with a name, there were a few different ideas I had in mind but I soon settled with War of the Sundered Realms.  This then led me to wonder what the Sundered Realms looked like so I drew a (very, very basic) map, which in turn led to a background for the Sundered Realms to be written and then a shake up of the army lists to tie in with this (though they are still generic enough that any miniatures can be used to play the rules with without consideration to the background).

The rules have gone through several iterations and I think that they are now in a good enough state to put out into the world though they are still in an Alpha state.  The army lists should all be in good working order though points costs and the odd stat line will need changing the more the games are played.

I hope you'll enjoy playing War of the Sundered Realms and encourage you to share your feedback, pictures of miniatures and battle reports.


  1. Excellent set of rules. My frend used them to re-fight The Battle of the Five Armies.
    Battle Report;

  2. Added an entree to Board Games Geek on the rules (also a Designer profile);
